Car Hire in Fuerteventura
Getting around Fuerteventura by car
An independent way to explore the island!
When you travel to Fuerteventura for a holiday or extended trip you may not only want to stay on the hotel beach for the whole stay but explore the island as well. So travelling around the island by car may be the option for you.
Just imagine being able to explore an island on your own and see where you end up can be a very nice touch to your trip or holidays. You could find smallest villages with friendly people, or see farmers working on their fields or just find a nice beach where you can stop and take a swim.
Car rental companies
There are a lot of car rental companies all over the island, especially in the North, West and South of the island. From famous chains to local companies, there will be a wide range of offers for you. But you should compare prices no matter where you want to book your car.
If you stay in a hotel the hotel staff can offer contacts to preferred car rental companies. Otherwise you can ask locally for any references.
Offers and packages
To meet your needs car rental companies have different kinds of packages. For example: from bigger to smaller cars, from 1-day offers to offers with several days of duration. They even might offer flexible dates so that you do not have to book the car on consecutive days.
It is also recommended that you ask for special insurance packages. Depending on your needs they can include comprehensive coverage or only part insurance cover.
Always ask for specials - it may be interesting for you!
Before signing a rental contract, you should allow the time to get familiar with different renting conditions than in your home country. If you do not understand some topics in the contract, ask for them to be clarified before you sign. Maybe a Spanish dictionary can be helpful so that you are not surprised if you should have a problem with the rented car.
Travelling the island
Once you booked the car you can start exploring the island, but please be on the safe side and check that you have a valid street map 'on board' as you can end up in regions where the population is not that much.
Depending on your schedule you can decide to explore only a small part of the island or the complete island. Read a guidebook beforehand so you can concentrate on exploring as soon as you get your rental car. You can also just follow your nose and see where you end up. In both cases you should have a rough idea in mind about how much time you want to spend and where. But this should not limit your flexibility while travelling.
Now you are ready to start your trip to explore Fuerteventura by car - ¡Que te diviertas!